Investment potentials and Incentives


Kragujevac is a macro-regional center of Serbia, the fourth largest city in Serbia with 179,417 inhabitants. It is located in the heart of Sumadija and Serbia to the south from the Serbian capital Belgrade only 140 km by the E10 motorway far.. It covers an area of 835 square kilometers.
It is located on the banks of Lepenica River in the Valley of Kragujevac.

Kragujevac is one of the leading developed centers of automobile industry and hi-tech of the Southeast Europe with improved SME sector in the field of car components and other activities and a wide spectra of intellectual services. The city has an export oriented economy with developed systems of innovative SME closely connected with developed industry sector. The General Urban Plan (GUP) 2015, as well as other related plans– Detailed regulation plan and General regulation plan define Work Zones, total 5 with 9 complexes, total area 1.062 ha, and projected maximum capacity of employment up to 55,000 employees.

The City also has numerous Brownfield and Greenfield investments. A listing is available at :




If the site conditions determine that the land on which the facility is to be built is not fully equipped with utility infrastructure, and which does not constitute a necessary condition for the functioning of the building being constructed, the amount of calculated contribution for the land development is reduced by a certain percentage, as prescribed in the following table.


Missing communal infrastructure Percent of reduction
Roads 10
Sewage network 5
Water network 5


Construction land contribution, identified in the building permit is paid by investor at the latest at the submission of notice of commencement of works
Construction from above can be paid at one or in installments.

In the case of a one-time payment of the contribution in full, and which is executed within 60 days from the date of the validity of the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the investor is entitled to a reduction in the amount of 40% of the contribution determined.
In case of one-time payment of the contribution in full, after the deadline of 60 days from the date of the validity of the building permit, and until the submission of notice of commencement of works, the investor is entitled to a reduction in the amount of 30% of the determined amount.

The investor can pay the contribution in 36 monthly installments, with the obligation to provide the appropriate security of payment, in which case he / she does not have the right to reduction. The right to a reduction of 30% is applicable for the investor who makes payment in installments providing he/she pays all remaining installment that are not due at once in which case the reduction is calculated on the remaining amount of the contribution that the investor pays as a lump sum.


Incentives can be achieved through national subventions
(available at the link of Development Agency of Serbia :