For the "Be a part of the plan" platform, the City of Kragujevac received another award, this time from the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) for the transparency and openness of local administration.

On behalf of the City of Kragujevac, the award was received by Deputy Mayor Dejan Ružić at a ceremony during the Ministerial Conference on Western Balkan Policies, organized by ReSPA in Skopje, North Macedonia.

The focus of this year's award ceremony was on recognizing initiatives that produce results, achievements and improvements in the provision of public services.

The Western Balkans Public Administration Awards were launched by ReSPA and SIGMA to promote governance initiatives and support the establishment of strong public administration systems.

For the "Be part of the plan" platform, the City of Kragujevac has already been awarded by the World Smart Cities Organization (WeGO) and the Government of the City of Seoul in the Human-CentriCity category. This platform allows citizens who register to receive a notification via e-mail, SMS or Viber messages that the existing or new urban plan is being changed in the territory of the City of Kragujevac. Thanks to this platform, anyone can receive a notification as soon as the initiative to change the plan is launched, then during an early public insight and during a public insight, which is published on the website.